分類彙整: 武術比賽


Report 報到:

All participants have to report 1 hour before the competition.


Contest time 比賽時間:

1.Traditional martial arts and weapon 40sec – 2min

傳統拳術及器械 40秒至2分鐘

2.Tai Chi 5 min, Tai Chi weapons 2min – 5min

太極 5分鐘, 太極器械 2至5分鐘

Time limit 套路演練時間規定:

  1. For individual:(Tai chi excluded) not more than 2 min, penalty of 0.1 point after extension of time of 2 second.
  2. For two persons:not more than 1 min (for all gender), can be mixed gender.
  3. For all Taichi including using weapons:not more than 5 min, penalty of 0.1 point after extension of time of 5 second.
  4. For Group:not more than 5 min, penalty of 0.1 point after extension of time of 5 second.
  1. 單練項目:長拳類,傳統拳類 (拳及器械) ,不超過2分鐘,超時達2秒,扣0.1分
  2. 對練項目:不超過1分鐘,不分男女組別,可混編
  3. 太極項目:不超過5分鐘 (包括拳及器械,超時達5秒者,扣0.1分)
  4. 集體項目:所有集體太極拳,及器械不超過5分鐘, 超時達5秒者,扣0.1分

Marking Scheme 計分方法:

Rules established in 2005 by Chinese Wushu Associationwill be adopted for judgment. Any appeal will NOT be entertained. Participants request another number tag will deduct 0.2 marks.


Prizes award 錄取名次:

  1. For individual:According to participant’s age, type of show and different gender to award Champion, First runner-up and Second runner-up (souvenir medal and certificate will be awarded to all other individual participant
  2. ÉliteCup:Participant obtained best score of each group (start from group B and above)
  3. For group:According to type of show to award Champion, First runner-up and Second runner-up (souvenir medal and certificate will be awarded to all participants and all group)
  1. 單練項目:按不同年齡,項目,男女組別分別錄取金、銀、銅獎,(每人均獲發獎牌及個人單項証書)
  2. 精英杯 :由B.C.D組開始計,最高分者可得金杯獎一座。E組單獨計算最高分者可得金杯獎一座
  3. 集體項目:按不同項目錄取金、銀、銅獎;每人可獲發獎牌及証書,最高分一隊可獲獎杯一座

All participants should apply insurance for themselves. Organizers do not responsible for any losses or injuries. Participants cannot claim any compensation from the organizers.
